Sunday, December 28, 2014

Chapter 42: Renovations for a Mansion Baron

Besides Aya's upcoming birthday, Michiru received her final days notice as well. Great. With my luck Death will probably visit at the party (that I don't actually have planned - we'll get to that later).

Michiru decided to get to work on the appliances that needed upgrading. Her parents did the same for her before their deaths so she now thinks this is part of life.

She's also come so far in her second aspiration that I really want to make it happen. Mansion Baron is kind of hard. I managed to get them 20 columns but reaching $350K is HARD! I do NOT want to see these bills. At this point I don't know if Michiru will make it. She's painting like mad right now and Dani doesn't work for three days. *sigh*

Well... let's take a moment to examine the new house, shall we?

Basically, we added on to the back and added two top decks.


The garden remains the same except we have a new garden guru in Tachi. For some reason he gained gardening skills incredibly fast. I really don't know why but I'm not going to complain. He is now level 10 in gardening and moves quickly. He revived all the dead plants so I didn't have to start over and I really appreciate it. He'll be the one to save the family from their bills, I'm sure...

The remainder of this budget went to this damn pool.

I wasn't actually done with the pool. I intended to change the deck to being stone like on the center portion but they ran out of money. SURPRISE!

 With the addition of a new upstairs, the only room on the main floor to get a slight remodel (but not really) is the family room. Michiru now has an art studio upstairs and we placed a couple of statues among the paintings.

Heading up the stairs brings you onto the landing. Not the most elegant but the space was well used. The other side is pretty empty (for now) but now we have more wall space for art.

The kids' rooms are mostly the same. (Those boys need to clean their bathroom...)

The girls now have their own dedicated bathroom (Aya was very pleased by this).

As Michiru's old room was taken over by the treadmill, she was one of the lucky ones to have new construction. A bit sparse but it's right by the art studio...

She decided not to put window treatments up because it would "obstruct the light". Fair enough. She has three easels. The chemistry table was moved up here, too, because it was awkward outside. Hopefully they won't start any fires...

The porch coming off of the studio has the wood working table and the punching bag. It made more sense to have the workout equipment on the same floor. (Oh, that reminds me that they don't have the other piece of equipment and I should buy it once they get a bit more money.)

The next 24 hours, Michuru painted. She painted two masterpieces and several other excellent paintings. 

To be honest, I'm a little confused because the following painting is worth $10,445 and the home's worth has only gone up $4,000. Not. Fair. Maybe I should have sold them and put up purchased artwork? (For real, is this a bug???)

Michiru and Tachi decided to get chatting so they could raise their relationship bar. As you know, Tachi forced the heir through Nadeshiko even though his younger sister, Aya, was good friends with their mother. Does Aya feel a little cheated? Maybe. 

Tachi and Michiru did get their relationship up but Aya was still ahead.

Sadly, as I was checking up on the rest of the family (it was 4 AM and half the house was up), Grimmy's music started up and I rushed downstairs to where Michiru and Tachi were watching TV.

SHE WAS GETTING MUCH CLOSER! I can say that she did already complete her first aspiration of Master Painter so this was a long shot. Perhaps someone else in the legacy will be able to complete the last ~$90k...

Well, I paused once that music started and I thought, maybe I could sell a bunch of paintings and buy something else and see if we could make it happen but, no, you can't go into build mode during births and deaths, so... Disappointment. I had everyone come into the family room and soon all you could hear was crying.

As she was closer to her mother, Aya pleaded with Grim. She was a bit dirty because she was just about to step into the shower before she came down.

Grim declined her request and Michiru was whisked away to the afterlife.

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